
Every partner is special to us. Since 2018 we partnered with NGOs, hospitals, foundations and networks to enable their people. With many years of experience in community organizing and activism, we are able to tailor our approach to maximize your impact.
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Typographic composition: People powered health organizations - People Power Health
Our fellowship program is designed in conjunction with Harvard courses
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Typographic composition: People powered health organizations - People Power HealthTypographic composition: People powered health organizations - People Power Health

Non-clinical Fellowship

Our primary partnership model with organizations is a non-clinical advocacy and community organizing fellowship.

The fellowship's primary goal is to dramatically increase the impact and advocacy capacity of clinicians who are invested in your organization's specific campaign or mission. Designed in conjunction with Harvard courses and practical experience with our partners, the Fellowship program lasts one year and could be online or hybrid.

In addition to enhancing their advocacy and movement-building skills, the fellowship allows clinicians to build a substantial and long-term peer support network that helps them sustain their engagement over time. Each Fellowship is designed for groups of 40-80 clinicians, who are preferably joining as teams of 3-5 people.
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Our goal is 100% success

Since we are fully invested in our relationship with our partners, we are not interested in providing a training service so much as creating an outcome. Our goal is 100% success. We envision that every participant team will be able to take tangible action, make changes, or grow their group or organization. 

If you are interested in an example, please check the following websites:
Climate Health Organizing Fellowship
Civic Health Fellowship
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Ongoing partnerships

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since 2020
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2 programs
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150 participants
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since 2020
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2 programs
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150 participants


Vot-ER is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to integrate civic engagement into healthcare, currently active in over 500 hospitals and clinics.

We started our partnership journey in 2020, when Civic Health Fellowship was created. This fellowship is a training program created specifically for Vot-ER members and volunteers, focused on developing their community activism capacity, with two successful cohorts and over 150 trained healthcare professionals across the United States so far.
Alongside the Fellowship, People Power Health serves as Strategic Consultant for the Vot-ER’s leadership team.

What are they doing today? Hear from some of the people who have been through our course and read the Case Study about Vot-ER's community organisation:

Belinda Birnbaum

Tionya Lawrence

How VotER Organised the Pennyslvania Healthcare Community to
Register Voters
- Case Study

Cambridge Health Alliance and Center For Health Equity Education & Advocacy
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since 2019
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2 programs
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185 participants
Cambridge Health Alliance and Center For Health Equity Education & Advocacy
Cambridge Health Alliance and Center For Health Equity Education & Advocacy
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since 2019
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2 programs
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185 participants

Cambridge Health Alliance and Center For Health Equity Education & Advocacy

The Center for Health Equity Education & Advocacy (CHEEA) is a new educational initiative at Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) that seeks to better equip healthcare professionals to be change agents in our healthcare system and society. We began our partnership journey in 2019, with 2 national programs and 4 successful cohorts behind us so far. These two programs equip healthcare professional leaders across the country with organizing skills, with one focused on health equity and other on climate health. So far, 85 people went through our Health Equity Scholars program and 100 through Climate Health Organizing Fellowship.

Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Boost Community
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Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Boost Community
Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Boost Community
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since 2020
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3 programs
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Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Boost Community

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is dedicated to making vaccines more accessible, enabling innovation, and expanding immunization across the globe. The Boost Community within Sabin provides a platform for immunization professionals around the world to connect with peers and access resources and trainings to enable them to grow in their careers.

We began our partnership with the Boost Community in 2020 and have been training immunization professionals virtually in advocacy and community activation through the programs of Storytelling for Change, Boosting Leadership to Activate Communities (co-led with Adaptive Change Advisors), and have co-created Boost’s Flagship Fellowship program to deepen Boost members’ skills in leadership and community activation. There have been two cohorts who have completed the fellowship thus far.

What are they doing today? Hear from some of the people who have been through our course.

Leading Change Network
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Leading Change Network
Leading Change Network
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since 2019
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Leading Change Network

The Leading Change Network is a global community of practice that enables organizers, educators and researchers to learn from one another, improve their practice and engage others in their work. LCN is committed to a culture of craft, evaluation and learning across institutional, cultural and geographical boundaries, in the pursuit of building people’s ability to lead change.

We are part of LCN’s Advisory Board through our founder, Dr Pedja Stojicic. In 2022 we began a partnership with LCN to bring together health activists from around the world into a Health Justice Community. We started by inviting people into Intro to Organizing sessions and a full 3-day workshop, where health activists from different countries could learn together about community organizing. Finally, we  launched the Health Justice Guide within LCN’s Resource Center, where dozens of resources (including case studies, articles, books and videos) are available, meant to inspire people and help them continue their fight for Health Justice.